I wouldn't call anything that's self-replicating "harmless" exactly - I think Jory & I have found it a PAIN, frankly. (Personally, as I run WFW 3.11, it cannot burn me.) Each launch of the dang thing takes up time & each "Is a virus warning on or off topic" war the piclist gets into burns some more of my time, and Jory's, and I know one gent at MIT.EDU that would probably froth at the mouth if you called this 'un "harmless." Technically it's a worm, from an Internet users' standpoint it's a worm that preys on newer Internet users while using up bandwidth that could be used for other purposes - Personally, though I cannot be infested, I would rather have that 11k of bandwidth go to a new good joke about how many PICListers it takes to understand my sense of humor, or something Mark Tim Hamel wrote: > > Do you realize how many people will delete this because of the subject alone? > Too many hoaxes have this EXACT same subject. Anyways, Happy99 is harmless, > it's not even a virus really, it backs up the winsock files!!! That's like a > robber breaking into a store, stealing stuff, and then locking the door when > he leaves -- or replacing the stolen stuff. > > In short, there's no need to get nervous about this virii. > > Muchos Gracias (thanks) > > Tim Hamel > > In a message dated 5/17/99 12:22:30 AM Pacific Daylight Time, > Jean-Yves.Seyler@CNES.FR writes: > > > Hello all PICer : here below is the message I got from my EMail security : > > > > I translate the least you should understand : > > > > Somebody tried to send you a virus via a joint file. > > Subject was : "Bresenham's_Algorithm" > > Virus is : virus or variant W32/Ska > >