At 10:52 AM 5/15/99 +0200, you wrote: >Hi, >a remark to this: >the listing output of SPASM could be used by PSIM, but the listing output >of CVASM not. I guess it depends on the listing header. This is probably because we changed CVASM's list file format some time back to provide absolute register addresses for all defined symbols. Earlier versions only encoded the OFFSET within a bank, making it impossible for TDE to properly track variables in upper RAM banks. >Do intend TechTools to further develop also PSIM? > Unfortunately, TechTools does not have the source (or any rights) to PSIM. I do not think Parallax has the source either. I _THINK_ it was developed by a third party. >I think Andy's offer is nice. I'd say the problem is more simple than it >seems to be. It is not a huge task to write e. g. an AWK script which >convert the new format (or whichever) listing to that required by TDE. I >did a lot of this kind of stuff. >Imre > My biggest concern is MACROs. Currently, there is a 1 to 1 relationship between the SOURCE file and the LIST file. Parallax instructions are expanded ON A SINGLE line (and more specifically, within the HEX field on that line). The CVASM LIST PARSER within TDE expects to find 1 to 3 HEX words in this field that correspond to this instruction. Macros could/would expand to many more words of code; breaking the 1-to-1 relationship. I do not think it is possible to filter a MACRO EXPANDED list file into a format compatible with the existing parser routine. If such a filter IS possible, then TDE can easily accommodate it. We can add the post filter command to the make script. The parser _MAY_ accept multiple lines with the same line number. It certainly was not designed with this in mind, but it occurs to me it might still build a consistent database. In that case, a macro could be expanded directly in-line and no post filter would be needed. I will take a look at the parser code in the next few days and see if this has a chance of working. Jerry Merrill FAX: (972) 494-5814 VOICE:(972) 272-9392 TechTools PO Box 462101 Garland, TX 75046-2101