Firstly, thanks to everyone who responded to my original enquiry - the advice is greatly appreciated. I have given switching power supplies a close look, and they are definitely a much less crude solution than linear with huge heatsinks etc. I am just worried about the switching noise, which should not be a problem for the PIC part of the application or the part that requires the high current, but will probably be a problem for a strain gauge amplifier (instrumentation amplifier) I am using. I have some questions to anyone who has experience mixing low level analogue circuitry with switchers: 1. Can I use a separate 78lxx type regulator supplied straight from the main 24 V supply to supply the analogue part, and a switcher for the rest, or will the switcher induced line noise on the power line still make my life a misery? 2. If I use only the switcher, will I be able to get the supply clean enough using RC low pass filters (bypass caps), or an LC notch filter, or will my life become a still become a misery? 3. Any other advice/suggestions? Thanks Roland