I have connected a retired DSS smart card to my Picstart +. I have a neato application that these units would work great on. However, I have found no evidence that it is possible, but am told it is just a 16F84 and thus ICSP connections should apply. I've also heard that the logic for the /MCLR may be inverted, and on some cards, C7 - RB6. In the ISO specification, VPP is also connected to C6, is this required? The connections I've used: C1 - VCC C2 - /MCLR C3 - RB6 C4 - NC C5 - VSS C6 - NC C7 - RB7 C8 - NC I did extract something, after several tries. The oscillator was LP, watchdog was off, power up timer was on, and code protect was on --- as expected. Any help? Craig