Julian Fine wrote: > > Hi, > We have just completed a pic to GSM phone using SMS (short message service) > to send and receive information. Forget about controlling a ericsson or > nokia or similar phone. > First of all they use an almost impossible type of 232 the nokia uses a > single wire for tx and rx and the protocol is a nightmare with checksums > checking the checksums checking the checksums and timing is extremely > critical. > Our Millennium Control uses a simple Falcom module http://www.falcom.com or > you could even use a Falcom Modem or a GCOM modem http://www.wasp.co.za > There is a punt for tjaart ) all are controlled via RS232 with very simple Thanks, Julian, I'll slip you that twenty later ;)) If you mention that we are cheaper, I'll slip you a thirty... > commands. BUT a few tricks are needed to stop them running away and sending > a few thousand messages over a weekend HA HA. This is the crux. One bad weekend can ruin your bank account.... > one) and two relay outputs all the inputs are programmable via SMS at to > what signal is sent such as input 1 hi = Alarm on input 1 low = Alarm off > and the signals can be sent to up to 4 cellphones within 10 seconds. If your phone happens to be on that list, but the guys doing the dev have forgotten all about it, then you also get a few million of those meaningless messages (Hi Julian!) -- Friendly Regards /"\ \ / Tjaart van der Walt X ASCII RIBBON CAMPAIGN mailto:tjaart@wasp.co.za / \ AGAINST HTML MAIL |--------------------------------------------------| | WASP International | |R&D Engineer : GSM peripheral services development| |--------------------------------------------------| | Mobile : tjaart@sms.wasp.co.za (160 text chars) | | http://www.wasp.co.za/~tjaart/index.html | |Voice: +27-(0)11-622-8686 Fax: +27-(0)11-622-8973| | WGS-84 : 26¡10.52'S 28¡06.19'E | |--------------------------------------------------|