Can anyone send me a small project that I can assemble and possibly add to it so as to use it as a trainer?I have a parallel port pic programmer . a pic 16c/f84 programmer from Kitsrus with a pic 16f84a-04/p in it.I would like a project that take you step at a time that will say for example put wire from switch to pin 3 and program pic to see switch closure or open and this is how the assembly is written to do this function.I know it is simple for someone who does this,but I have tried to learn from reading a book called Easy pic'n and cannot get the jus of it.I think that this book is not as basic as I need,it appears that you have some knowlege of assembly and does not start from square on.It tells user to write a flow chart of what you want to do and then write code.I don't know which is in the right order the horse befor the cart or the other way around in doing this feat.Please help a newbie and maybe with a simple start it will start to make sense .I know i will not learn how to program and build a complete circuit over night or even weeks but it is still a start.