Hi, I'm building a digital camera, and I need to send some synchronizing signals to a CCD chip. And on top of that, the ADC that converts the output signal from the CCD chip has it's own timing diagram as well. I was thinking of using some form of shift registers which I can program. Hopefully it'll have 6 output lines, and the chip has it's own microprocessor. So I can program a sequence in and ask the chip to repeat that particular sequence for each output line. Does anybody know of a chip with this kind of capability? Or can anybody recomend me some other solution. I'm thinking of using a PIC, but that would mean I'll have to learn an extra language. And at the present moment, I'm already tied down trying to learn the programming language for a digital signal processor which would do some signal processing of the CCD signals. The ultimate aim of the project is to apply kalman filters onto an input stream of images and track the movement of an object. Any help or suggestion would be helpful.