Hiya, I know it isn't a PIC but you may be able to help... I have a Casio PB-770 handheld computer and there are two chips on board that are the closest to resembling the CPU and have the above code on them where X is a 3 on one and a 4 on the other. Then on the 13 there is a 5F 13 and the 14 has 5G 13 on it so I am assuming it is a 5Mhz chip. The question is - Can I use this computer to do anything to learn about microcontrollers? It has a RS-232c connector on it and a total of 32K of RAM. I want to use it to log data and output to screen and then PC and probably to a pic to use as a control system based on the data it logs. Thanks for your help in this matter. Ben Marsh BEngTech University of New England, Armidale, Australia