The PIC won't go that high, but it would be very easy to scale the voltage to something like 0-5V with op amps. Can someone help with the resisto values? My analog is rsty without digging a book out. Steven Kosmerchock wrote: > Friends, > I have a project where I need to read an analog voltage of > +7V-+18V. It is an internal power monitor of a RF amplifier. > I am using it in a test fixture and was hoping of some way > to read the voltage to know how many watts are at the > output of the amp, without using a power meter. > Does anybody know of an A/D converter that > goes that high? Does the PICs internal A/D go that high? > Any ideas?? Thanks in advance............................. > > Best regards, > Steven > > Steven Kosmerchock > Engineering Technician/Student > CELWAVE > Phoenix Arizona USA > Email: >