> > Again, this is well documented but I wish they would continue to provide >the Readme.txt file that Parallax always supplied with SPASM and TDE >provided with earlier versions of CVASM. This listed all the device >equates as well as the CVASM and the Microchip instruction set with their >equivalents. This made it easy to look at a native instruction and see the >CVASM equivalent. (Jerry, any word on this?). > > - Tom > Well.... We put the CVASM16 and native Microchip instruction set references in the manual, on line from within TDE and on the disk in PDF format. These are also available on our web pages and our CDROM. The most recent release of CVASM16 included a new command-line switch '/d' that added a complete symbol table dump to your LIST file. This lets you see all of the pre-defined symbols as well as any used in the current program. This is not quit as convenient as a pre-printed references, but is guaranteed to be up-to-date. This list is the exact symbol table the assembler is using. If you want a simple list of the pre-defined symbols for a particular processor, simple create a 1 line program containing the device directive and assemble it with the /d option. Print the list file and you have a cross-reference. Jerry Merrill jerrym@tech-tools.com http://www.tech-tools.com FAX: (972) 494-5814 VOICE:(972) 272-9392 TechTools PO Box 462101 Garland, TX 75046-2101