This is a philosophical post... As I pass through the many phases of emotions while PICing (mostly elation and depression), I tend to look at alternatives when depressed. Like: Other microcontroller companies - do they have better tools, third-party support, etc. PIC derivatives - BasicStamp, etc. Other languages - C, Basic, etc. So, questions begin: Why wouldn't I go with, let's say, Motorola? Does anybody use BasicStamps (or other high-level interpreted chips) in commercial products? One of the biggest reasons I went the PIC route is the massive external support. Motorola, Intel, TI, etc. seem to have more of a "corporate" catering. In other words, I didn't get the sense as an individual with a dream, I would get some help from the Motorola community (could be wrong though...). It also helped that my local Microchip rep was much more friendly than the Motorola one. We'll keep the language question out of this since there are volumes of PICMail on the subject already. -DO