I'm trying to use the USART from a 16C65 to talk to a PC RS232. I've put inputs in the RC7 pin in the MPLAB with an stimulus file and with Asynchornous stimulus, but no char gets in. The code I use to initialize the USART is: RS2inic bsf STATUS,RP0 ; *** Banco 1 *** movlw D'25' ; 9600 Baud movwf SPBRG movlw B'00100100' ; ||| +--> BRGH=1 High speed ; ||+----> SYNC=0 Async. transmission ; |+-----> TXEN=1 Enable transmission ; +------> TX8/9=0 8 bits/byte transmission movwf TXSTA bcf STATUS,RP0 ; *** Banco 0 *** movlw B'10010000' ; || +----> CREN=1 Enable reception ; |+------> RC8/9=0 8 bits/byte reception ; +-------> SPEN=1 Enable serial port movwf RCSTA And then I wait Interruptions from the USART each incoming char. The Interruptions initialization is as follows: ; Inicializa las interrupciones INTinic clrf PIR1 ; TMR2IF=0 Erase int flags movlw B'00110010' ; || +--> TMR2IE=1 -> Enable tmr2 int. ; |+-----> TXIE=1 -> Enable transm. int. ; +------> RCIE=1 -> Enable receip. int. bsf STATUS,RP0 ; *** Banco 1 *** movwf PIE1 bcf STATUS,RP0 ; *** Banco 0 *** bsf INTCON,6 ; PEIE=1 -> Enable perif. int. bsf INTCON,7 ; GIE=1 -> Enable general int. return (I use a constant timer int (for other purposes) and both In and Out USART ints) ÀWhat's wrong? Thanks in advance.