I have the 'Airspeed Indicator Calibration Record' for my full size glider's pot pitot based instrument. It appears that the tests are done with a manometer and the ideal values are given here. This is probably a standard. The pitot pot on the nose of the aircraft is about 1 inch dia. I don't know if the area of it makes a difference to the readings. I could measure it accurately if you want. Incidentally, just putting your hand over the pitot causes a speed reading due to the increase in pressure from warmth of the hand. Airspeed indicators under read as altitude increases. Inches of Water (Gauge) /Speed. 0.26 /20 0.39 /30 1.04 /40 1.63 /50 2.35 /60 3.19 /70 4.18 /80 5.28 /90 6.52 /100 7.89 /110 9.40 /120 11.02/130 12.78/140 14.68/150 I found this information because I am building a PIC based airspeed telemetry link to be used between the glider and the launching winch so that the winch driver has feedback of the gliders speed during the launch. This will allow optimum launches. The PIC will do the A/D conversion, modulate the RF carrier and control the power to the unit automatically. It will turn itself on when the airspeed goes above 25 Knots (ground run). It will remain on for one minute (launch in progress). It will then turn off (in free flight). It will not turn on again until the airspeed has gone below 25 knots for a minute (landed)and then goes above (relaunched). This should ensure that the battery life is maximised and that one carrier frequency can be used by all gliders so that the winch driver doesn't have to change channels on the receiver. The system is completely automatic and can be forgotten by the pilot. The display should be easy to read by the winch driver using peripheral vision as he should be looking at the glider all the time. Launch speeds are typically 30 to 80 knots allowing a 5inches of water pressure sensor to be used. Gerry Cox Weymouth U.K. -----Original Message----- From: Roland Andrag [mailto:randrag@ICON.CO.ZA] Sent: 07 May 1999 16:50 To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Subject: Re: Airspeed > I've been thinking about calibration; Borrow time at a campus wind >tunnel, for higher speeds? (Borrow a friend with an airplane? ) What happened to the car window? Or get up on the back of a truck.. Assuming you can hold the plane, that is... Take off the wings - use only the fuselage... Cheers Roland