---------- > From: erik > To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU > Subject: Re: Frequency Multiplier > Date: Sunday, May 09, 1999 5:58 PM > > Roland, > I've been giving this alot of thought but don't think I can do things > entirely with an interrupt on > TMR0 rollover. I would like to simulate a printing press running at > 3000 ft/min which would require a pulse > once every 43usec with a 2500 pulse encoder. --big snip to keep bandwidth low -- Erik, why don't you take the output of the encoder and divide it externally before applying it to the PIC? Quite often I add a cmos 4020 or 4024 or 4040 binary divider to my high speed inputs to 'tame' them down a bit. The dividers have outputs that divide the input by 2 4 8 16 32 all the way up to 2^14. Very handy, and dirt cheap. Hope this helps. Fr. Tom McGahee