Hello All: PROBLEM: 24-bit A/D converters have a serial output, which I need to feed to a parallel input sRAM at fairly high data rates. I NEED: a hardware solution that will allow me to have our main PIC (a '74) monitor and control the process, but not be directly involved in pipe-lining the data from the DAC to the sRAM. The serial output stream has the usual start, stop, ack and other over-head bits associated with either the I2C or SPI protocols, and the conversions are often driven by the SPI clock from the host device. I wouldn't have a problem dedicating a small PIC to the process, but would probably need at least 28-32 ports to handle all the output data lines, SPI interface, and status and control to the "host". Clock rates approaching 100KHZ are expected on the serial lines. If you have done something like this--even for 8-16 bit wide transfers--I would appreciate hearing from you. **************************************************************************** ******** All legitimate attachments to this email will be clearly identified in the text. Please note our new address and phone numbers. William K. Borsum, P.E. DASCOR P.O.Box 462885 Escondido, CA 92046-2885 V&M&F) 760-796-7785 Direct) 760-796-7788