At 12:15 PM 5/8/99 +0300, you wrote:
Hey! I need a low pass filter that uses as input the output of
a DAC (808) so that it would convert the signal to a sine wave. A
schematic would be perfect! Thanks in advance, Argiris
Check the BURR BROWN web page for their app-note on low pass filters.
You can even download the design software to go with it. Will do the
calcs on Bessel, Butterworth and Elliptic filter types, hi or lo pass,
and any number of poles. Charts the results too. Been using it for
years. B-B also sells the dedicated filter chips that you can resistor
program. We've been using discretes, however.
Be sure the op-amps you use have a bandwidth MUCH wider than your cutoff
frequency or you will see strange results.
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