-----Original Message----- From: Harold Hallikainen To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Date: Thursday, May 06, 1999 4:26 PM Subject: Re: PIC-based Oven Controller > Also, probably cheaper than an encoder is just a pot! Run it >into an analog input on the PIC and do the A/D. Only uses one pin! Bingo, Harold! > I think on/off control is fine for this application. You may >want to experiment with how much hysteresis to put in the loop. If you >do go for something fancier, a simple proportional control driving phase >control of the solid state relays seems pretty straightforward. Just >don't try listening to the radio while baking! Of course, you CAN move >all the way to PID control. I'm not sure what this will get you. P or PI control works pretty well. I didn't see any need for the full PID treatment. I'd stay away from phase control. I hate listening to my oven on my walkman.