> Around 1993, when I was possibly one of the very few people that knew > what a PIC micro was in Australia, the local Victorian Police Forensic Hmmmmmmmmm > dept. contacted me and showed me a portion of a home etched > PCB and what [cut] > The interesting part was that it had been used as a timing device in a > police station bombing. Now why in the world would anyone use a 54 for > something that you could easily achieve with a simple timer, or 555 > circuit? > Why etch a board? It had to be someone that knew assembly code I would Yes why ? > Perhaps it was produced by someone reading this very message!!!!! > Hmmm...... > > Don McKenzie mailto:don@dontronics.com http://www.dontronics.com > Don's Download Dungeon: http://www.dontronics.com/download.html > Don's Bomb Section: http://www.dontronics.com/bomb.html Hint ^^^^ Regards Benjamin Petersen