Hi I'm a beginners with the pic 16F84 and I've got a problem. With a switch connected to RA0, I'm trying to switch on a led connected to RB1 and switch off another one connected to RB6 for a switch position ans switch Off RB1 and siwtch on rb6 for the other position. The case where RB1 is on and RB6 if off is ok, but the other case the 2 leds are on with a voltage of 2v5 instead on 5v. title "MM1" ; ; fait clignoter PB1 ; LIST P=16F84 errorlevel 0,-305 INCLUDE "P16F84.inc" ; Registers __CONFIG _CP_OFF & _WDT_OFF & _XT_OSC & _PWRTE_ON ; Mainline of PROG16 temp equ 1 org 0 Debut clrf PORTB bsf STATUS,RP0 movlw b'00000000' movwf TRISB movlw 0xFF movwf TRISA bcf STATUS,RP0 call Alum Repeat movf PORTA,w andlw b'00000001' btfss STATUS,Z goto ZNUL call Etein goto Repeat ZNUL call Alum goto Repeat Alum movlw b'00000010' movwf PORTB return Etein movf PORTB,w xorlw b'01000010' movwf PORTB return end