At 06:38 AM 5/7/99 +0800, you wrote: >Hi, piclisters! > >I want to use PIC16C773, I am interested in it's 12bit A/D, but it is >future product. How long do I would waiting? >Any help will be welcomed! >Thank you all! Don't know about the 773's but 774's are being sampled now--at least I'm being told "any day now". Call your local Pic rep or distributor **************************************************************************** ******** All legitimate attachments to this email will be clearly identified in the text. Please note our new address and phone numbers. William K. Borsum, P.E. DASCOR P.O.Box 462885 Escondido, CA 92046-2885 V&M&F) 760-796-7785 Direct) 760-796-7788