Hello anbar, first, turn off frames on your email. it makes everyone crazy. second, what speed is your clock? without that, you cant calculate the loops. third, write a loop that makes a known delay. for a 4 mhz clock, a 250 msec delay is nice. this needs an inner and outer loop, stall movlw .250 movwf acount outer movlw .110 movwf bcount inner nop nop nop nop nop nop nop decfsz bcount,f goto inner decfsz acount,f goto outer return now you need this 4 times a second, and (60*5) times for 5 minutes. because timer0 only runs 0 to 255, you are stuck for how you will set the countdown, because you cant set for all the seconds. if a 2-second resolution is ok, then timer0 will work once you have the internal delay set up. good luck alice > From: Anbar > Subject: Again delay from 1sec to 5 min. > To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU > Hi all, > I am executing a project with the PIC16F84 and I need a routine in ASM that > causes a delay from 1sec to 5min, using the TMR0. Could somebody help me? > I will be thankful. > > Anbar > >