For me 10k worked fine. Are you sure the problem is in the PC->PIC path? The edges of the signal could be a bit different now, so when your receive code was critical it could be just-off now. maybe have the PIC copy the in pin to the out pin in a loop and see whether you get an echo on the PC? Wouter. ---------- > From: Craig Lee > To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU > Subject: Serial interface problem > Date: Thursday, May 06, 1999 02:02 > > I am puzzled why when I try to interface the > transmit data line from an rs232 interface to > a pic through a 10k resistor to RA1 why it > ceases to operate. On a scope, the levels are > a nice 5-0. > > Works fine with a max232. The only changes > I've made are to replace the max232 chip > with a 10k, and change my Rxdata define from > RA1 to !RA1. > > I'm sure someone else has ran into this one. > > Craig