Last summer Mid Missouri was infested with 17 year cicadas. They make an awful racket, and there were zillions of them. A single tree might contain 20,000 big eyed bugs, all going zoweeee zoweeee zoweeee... The combination of thier calls becomes deafening. It changes with the temperature, so that on really hot days you can hardly think. I'd wear earplugs in my yard, and the heat and the deafening sound would make a wierd, Twighlight Zone feeling come over me, like the aliens had landed. So my friend had a 40th birthday. I built a box with a switch on the lid, put in a PIC, a dime sized battery and a piezo, and made them so they sounded just like a 17 year Cicada. I covered the PIC circuit with cloth, and glued a plastic bug inside. He opens the box and... Zoweeee zoweee zoweee......