netQ wrote: > > Hello everybody! > > I would like to know what would be the expected > behaviour of an over-clocked PIC. In my case I want to > use a PIC16F84-04 at frecuencies above the 4Mhz. I've > seen projects using 10Mhz xtal and even 12Mhz xtal (pong) > with this particular chip. What's the highest frecuency > this micro can tolerate? > Also, given the fact Microchip produces PIC16F84s for > 10Mhz xtals. Is it possible to overclock this ones even > higher? > I'm asking this because a faster chip would make my > project coding easier and the PCB is designed for a > 16F84. Most 84s can be speed up to 8Mhz, but note that this doesn't comply with manufacturers specs. Tin canned, 4 legged TTL Oscillators may speed it along at 12Mhz too, but watch out for internal EEPROM read/write cycles! Gary Barnes of Western Australia put me onto the 12Mhz Oscillator trick. Other users have told me that you can get some 4Mhz PICs running at 16 and 20Mhz by just putting a 10Meg resistor across the faster crystal. Don McKenzie Don's Download Dungeon: Australian Electronics Ring Win $500USD Cash. Micro design contest: