Ian, Does a Transcendental Meditation Stimulator count as a 'wierd and wacky' pic application. It uses software pwm to pulse LEDs at brainwave frequencies, thus causing the brainwaves to syncronize to the frequency of the LEDs. Then by slow adjustment of the controls, you can 'switch tracks' to the state of conciousness that you desire. Typically, when your brainwaves and LED rate syncronize, your body starts to twitch a bit. (Who needs drugs?!) There is a serial port interface for programatic control, and a record feature that sends update data back to the host when the user changes the controls. This way you could develop a program exclusive to your euphoria needs and your specific brainwave frequencies controlled by the PC. I haven't done the PC program yet. There are two variable potentiometers read using a pulsed RC, for intensity and frequency. 3 i/o. The serial port is 1200 baud, software emulated, 2 i/o. The output intensity and frequency are controlled by software pwm. 1 i/o. I've implemented it with a 16F84, but it could easily be done with a 12C508. Improvements could be made on the intensity side with a few bit ladder network or DAC so the duty cycle of the pulses remains constant. Next step is syncronizing it with the massage action of the LazyBoy(already hacked in and documented the interface), and some soothing synthesized music. Could also add some eeprom, an lcd, and a keyboard, so PC connectivity isn't necessary. A waft of ionized heated or cooled air could be integrated into the effect. You can send samples to: Craig Lee c/o Enlight Inc. 23 Kootenay Place W. Lethbridge, Alberta Canada T1K 6V6 Thanks, Craig Lee, C.E.T. . Attachment converted: wonderland:Craig Lee.vcf (????/----) (0002F3F5)