Hi! This is good site in UK where I buy PICs: http://www.crownhill.co.uk/phome.htm And some examples(prices are in sterlings): 12c508A - 0,63 12c509A - 0,63 16c54 - 2,00 16c55XT/P - 1,85 16c58A-04/P - 2,05 16c71-04/P - 2,45 16F84-04/P - 2,00 24LC16 - 1,00 24LC56 - 1,50 MAX232 - 1,35 They have PIC16f84 integrated on SmartCard with additional memory, what I find very handy. regards Neven ____________________________________________________________________ Get free e-mail and a permanent address at http://www.netaddress.com/?N=1