I have done some medium complexity PIC designs and now am working on some designs that need to do some fairly complicated multitasking. I need to do several serial inputs and outputs, display multiplexing and precision high speed pulses at the same time. I am looking for a consultant that would teach me the correct programming procedures for these and future problems, not just someone to do the design for me. I am also looking for someone who would teach me at less than the normal rate. While I appreciate what a good engineer is worth, I don't want to pay $100 an hour for someone to just talk to me on the phone for a few hours a week. To be a little more specific one current project I am working on needs to read a 9600 baud serial heading sentance from a marine gyro and convert the format. The output is 16 bits of clock and data on two lines with a 50uS clock rate. This repeats every 25mS. I will also need to output the heading on 4 multiplexed LED displays, read key inputs and output a serial data output. My problem is getting all tasks to work together without screwing up any of the timings. Brian Kraut engalt@earthlink.net