At 16:17 28/03/99 -0500, you wrote: >Does anyone know if there are any gotcha's converting code for a >PIC12C508 to a PIC16C505. My code was working fine on the PIC12C508 but >won't work on the 16C505. I'll try digging deeper but just wondering if >anyone else has had any trouble? |Well have you changed over the .INC files? The '505 config word is quite |different from the 12C508. I got bit by this one. I don't know why MChip decided to move things around the way they did, but I'm sure glad they didn't put their infam- ous "unerasable" code-protect on the '505. Until I got burned by that I'd thought a '505 was basically a 12C508 with an added 6-bit PORTC. Oh well, I gave up ages ago on trying to figure out the logic behind the Microchip product line... I'm sure there are reasons for things; with the information available to me, though, it's hard to see them.