Hi Aidi,
Just a couple of things, you should set CREN before clearing SREN,
I also found that toggling CREN after receive to clear any rx errors.
See code below. You also must wait for the byte to actually be received.

> Hi,
>I'm using the code below to receive a byte from the US ART. When I get the
>byte I display it on the LED's and echo it back.
>This code is not working for me.  Can anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong.
> Thanks
> list p=16c74
>        Title "first aidi Program"
>        include <P16C74.INC>
>        org     00h
>    clrf    PORTB           ;Clear PORT_B output latches
>        bsf     STATUS,RP0      ;Go to Bank1
>        clrf    TRISB           ;Config PORT_B as all outputs
>        movlw   19h             ;Set Band rate (9600 baud @4MHz)
>        movwf   SPBRG
>        movlw   b'00100100'     ;8-bit transmit, transmitter enable
>        movwf   TXSTA           ;Asynchronous mode, High baud rate
>        bcf     STATUS,RP0      ;Go to Bank0
>        movlw   b'10010000'     ;8-bit receive, receiver enabled
>        movwf   RCSTA           ;serial port enabled

RxTest                           ;
         BSF     RCSTA,4         ;set CREN
         BCF     RCSTA,5         ;clear SREN
RxWait                           ;
         BTFSS   PIR1,5          ;RxBuffer Full when PIR,5=1
         GOTO    RxWait          ;
         BCF     RCSTA,4         ;toggle CREN to clear any Rx
         BSF     RCSTA,4         ;errors. You could choose to
                                 ;handle Rx errors differently
                                 ;for a "real" application.
; *******************************;

>        movf    RCREG,W         ;Get input data
>        movwf   PORTB           ;Display on LEDs
>        movwf   TXREG           ;Echo character back

>        goto    RxTest          ; ***Changed here also.
>        end

>Aidi Moubhij

Hope that helps.

Ray Gardiner ray@hdc.com.au