I am looking for an easy math solution for this problem: I receive a NMEA format string as the following: $GPGGA,165445.71,3322.8863123,N,11156.5499123,W,2,3,001.8,,M,-027,M,1,0777*7 6 * * The two marked strings are latitude and longitude. 33 degrees 22 minutes and the rest is fraction of minutes. What I need to do is convert the fraction of minutes to seconds and hundredths of seconds, then convert back to a string. So my thought is to convert 886312 to a number then take (886312 X 60)/1000 to give me 53178 then I convert that to ASCII do a test on the low char to see if it is less than 5 and display 53.17 or 53.18 I am using a 16F84 with C that is of course resource lean.... Is this the best way? Craig