Hi, I'm using the code below to receive a byte from the US ART. When I get the byte I display it on the LED's and echo it back. This code is not working for me. Can anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong. Thanks list p=16c74 Title "first aidi Program" include org 00h Start clrf PORTB ;Clear PORT_B output latches bsf STATUS,RP0 ;Go to Bank1 clrf TRISB ;Config PORT_B as all outputs movlw 19h ;Set Band rate (9600 baud @4MHz) movwf SPBRG movlw b'00100100' ;8-bit transmit, transmitter enable movwf TXSTA ;Asynchronous mode, High baud rate bcf STATUS,RP0 ;Go to Bank0 movlw b'10010000' ;8-bit receive, receiver enabled movwf RCSTA ;serial port enabled movf RCREG,W ;Get input data movwf PORTB ;Display on LEDs movwf TXREG ;Echo character back goto Start end Aidi Moubhij aidi@mjr.com