HI, during these last days i spent much time trying to make a serial PIC programmer. The first one was LUDIPIPO, but it doesn't work because of the insufficient programming voltage. The last one is JDM PICPRO2, by John D. Madsen, and it seems to work better. I bought a 16F84 and I don't want to burn it, thus I'm testing the programmer with a cheaper 24C00 (128 bytes), the only one I've got! The programming software is PIP-02. Now, in the device setup menu there are a lot of Microchip serial EEPROM, but the first one you can choose is 24C01 (1K). Could anyone tell me if I can use 24C01 setup to program the 24C00? Or, better, did anyone build such programmer? best regards Piovan Stefano Digital Control and Telerobotics Research University of Padua ITALY