Hi All Thank you for your respond. In the way of your suggestions I found that the ISD4004 chip is perfect for me. I looked invoxtech also. The IVM1708 chip is also same but ISD web page shows a seller in Turkey. Also Chris Eddy gave me an idea and I wil try this before buying a expensive chip. Best Regards Ethem Murat BENER >> Hi All, >> >> I have a project with pic to give some caution messages from a speaker. >> But I look forward some speech chips for this project and find only Nationals NSAM266 which is mainly designed for digital answering machines. There are some DSP's but I want to use PIC to command the speech Chip. >> I will be happy if someone , worked on these chips, help me to find perfect chip for my project. >> >> Best Regards >> >> Ethem Murat BENER >> >> >>