On Mon, 3 May 1999 23:22:55 +0300 Andreas Magnusson writes: >I knew I have to put subroutines in the lower area of each >memoryblock. = >How shall I do exactly. In a 16F84 or other 'mid range' PIC, subroutines may be placed anywhere and accessed with a 'CALL' instruction The 'lower area' restriction applies only to 'low end' PICs like the 16C5x and 12C50x. In these chips, the CALL instruction's range is more limited than the GOTO instruction. >And the memory I have read about=B4"long calls" and stuff like that = >where you have to change the RP0, RP1 status bits. In the 'mid range' line, long calls and page bits are only necessary on PICs with more than 2K words of program space. The 16F84 has 1K, so they are not needed. Again the situation is different on 'low end' models, but 16F84 users don't need to worry about it. ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at http://www.juno.com/getjuno.html or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]