Seriously, the US Military developed an epoxy potting compound for encapsulating electronics that, when exposed to air, reacts and forms some kind of acid, detroying the silicon inside. I heard about this maybe 20 years ago, so it's not new technology. As far as the PIC hobbyist is concerned, there are no sure ways of protection. Simply potting your project will discourage the casual hacker, but there is no defense against the determined thief. I keep hearing about these companies that will reverse engineer even copy protected PICS (which I do NOT condone or do) Often I see proprietary parts with MCHIP logos on them, probably a masked ROM PIC. -----Original Message----- From: Benjamin Petersen To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Date: Monday, May 03, 1999 3:27 AM Subject: Re: Self destruct schemes that thwart reverse engineering - Way [OT] > WAY Overkill solution: Get a small Neutron bomb, glue the >> PIC project >> atop it's case, set bomb off upon intrusion >> >> Mark > >You are a very very sick person... > >Regards >Benjamin Petersen