> Dave Vandenberg (dfv@PARADISE.NET.NZ) > Sat, 1 May 1999 23:14:02 +1200 > Hi Guys > Do you have any tips on implementing Caller ID? snip--- > I've read a few things on be different than implemented here in New > Zealand? > > Also.. > - Lcd display (I saw a PICListers website do this serially) > - I'll need to store number/name... data - i2c eeprom? > - Audio caller announcement (I have ISD1020 ChipCorder). Here is a collection of info I have picked up. I am quoting several messages that have been sent to me in an exchange on the subject, and it may, or may not interest you, but it's basically everything I could find out, and it gives you the alternative of possibly using an off the shelf modem. Depends on you application and finances. Many 56k modems sold in Oz and no doubt NZ support caller ID. Just use a terminal program to issue the command 'AT#CID=1' - this enables caller ID info to be sent in the normal 'RING' message from the modem. Give it a call and watch! One user told me he has a Netcomm 56k unit - AM3477 - and it works well. The feature is not documented in the manual, though. It also works well with the latest versions of 'Winfax Pro'. When a call is received, the CLI is shown in Winfax's receive log. You may not even need to write any database software, unless it is for a very specific application. There are quite a number of programs available already. Here are some caller ID programs at winfiles.com in the misc. telephony section......... http://www.winfiles.com/apps/98/phone-misc.html There are many more to be found if one searches the net. Also, before you buy a 56k modem, check that it supports the CLI feature. Usually, it won't be in the manual (just like all of the fax specific AT commands never are), so it's best to test the feature (or get a friend to do it on their modem). Also see this FAQ for lots more details. UK biased, but most of the principles are the same, and the software works everywhere more or less. Computer Caller ID FAQ : http://www.cloud9.u-net.com/callerid.htm Caller ID units: The EM924547 is in both the OMNI CA290 and the Uniden Caller ID unit that are available in OZ. It is the FSK CLI decoder. The Data pin is the same as the Motorola MC145447. Now if any of this helps you to get the 84 going as a caller ID monitor great. It's all the info I have. There are two caller ID units on the market in kit form. These are to US standards however. One was from ITU Technologies (sadly, no longer available), and the other I seem to have lost the link, but I'm sure a search will pick it up. an a serial LCD? http://www.dontronics.com/sli.html Don McKenzie mailto:don@dontronics.com http://www.dontronics.com Don's Download Dungeon: http://www.dontronics.com/download.html Australian Electronics Ring http://www.dontronics.com/aering.html Win $500USD Cash. Micro design contest: http://www.simmstick.com