What is the address for the configuration fuses for the PIC16C52? Is it the same location as the PIC16C54/A ??? I just upgraded my Parallax PIC16CXX programmer with the Tech-Tools PICWRITE package (new firmware, Windows software, an RS232 to Parallel coverter, a promise of future firmware upgrades being free). Nice upgrade, but I already found 1 bug in their fuse table for the PIC16C54B chips. I think there is an error for the PIC16C52 chip also. I just programmed a OTP PIC16C52 for XT_osc, CP=ON and when I finished the OSC was still RC, and the CP bit wasn't blown. Emails to Tech-tools have so far gone unanswered, (they were not very fast with replies to the first error either). Looking at the programming specs from MicroChip, the location is 0x01FF. Is this correct? (BTW, there is conflicting text about the CP bit in the programming guide for the PIC16C5X family.) TIA Dave DSchmidt Technologies Email dschmidt@dschmidt.com Web page http://www.dschmidt.com