Yes, ;***** UART SETUP **** ; MOVLW .25 ; MOVWF SPBRG ; SETUP 9600 BAUD MOVLW B'00100100' ; MOVWF TXSTA ; SETUP ASYNC OPERATION HIGH SPEED UART BCF STATUS,RP0 ; BACK TO PAGE 0 FOR A MOMENT MOVLW 0x80 ; MOVWF RCSTA ; ENABLE SERIAL PORT OPERATION CLRF TXREG ; CLEAR BUFFER FOR START UP CLRF RCREG ; this is what I have in my code it works fine. lately I changed the crystal to little lower then 4.00 mhz but I can verify make sure that setting are for 4.00 mhz. to test it you can use your pc terminal software with emulator run it then minimize mplab open terminal software works fine. Andre Abelian Stuart O'Reilly wrote: > I'm programing a 16c73 and I want to use the uart at 9600baud with a > 4MHz clock but it doesn't state that you can in the data sheet with this > clock freq. Has anybody tried this before?? > Regards Stuart