Hi Jim, I think I might have found a solution... I have a 0.1uF decoupling capacitor and pull-ups on, with no WDT. The Power Up Timer is active, and the Oscillator Timer is always on since I'm using a 4Mhz Crystal (XT mode). The regulator seems fine at 5.05v. I have found though that when I apply power while MCLR is low, wait a couple of seconds, then let MCLR go high through a pull-up resistor, it works every time. This could mean that the power line takes that long to stabilize, which is very strange! I could work around this problem by actually attaching my ON/OFF switch to MCLR instead of Vdd, and then the device would simply always be in reset when 'off'. Do you think this is a good idea? It seems to solve the problem. Thanks for the ideas. Graham