Hi all ! 
I am trying to do a phone dialing with the pic, and I don't get that works. 
It just executes the first number of my look-up tables( num. 2). as it proceeds  
telefone1:  addwf PCL,f 
                   dt 2,3,8,1,8,4,1,0ff   ; number it to be dialing. 
I have expense a long time with this, and it doesn't work. 
How the remaining of the numbers is not placed to proceed in the look-up tables? 
Can anybody help me?  
I will be very thankful. 
look may codes
;My first project with pic 
;Phone Dialing for alarm system.
        LIST P=16F84,c=90,n=0,f=inhx8m
        INCLUDE "C:\MPS16B\P16F84.INC"
        __CONFIG _CP_OFF & _XT_OSC & _PWRTE_ON  & _WDT_OFF
PORT_A        EQU    05h
PORT_B        EQU    06h
trisa                EQU    85h
trisb                EQU    86h
discagem      EQU    13h
;---------------------Pgm bits I/O ----------------------------------
#define rele1 PORT_B,0
#define rele2 PORT_B,1
#define led PORT_B,3
start:            movlw B'00000000'
                    movwf INTCON
                    clrf PORT_B
                    clrf PORT_A
                    bsf STATUS,rp0
                    movlw   0x00
                    movwf trisb
                    movlw   0xFF
                    movwf trisa
                    bcf STATUS,rp0
                    goto wait_flash
telefone1:  addwf PCL,f
                   dt 2,3,8,1,8,4,1,0ffh            ;the number will be dialing
                                                                ; just realize the first number of the table (number 2)
wait_flash:  btfsc PORT_A,0       ;wait to gate
                    goto wait_flash      
                   bsf led                      ;led on
                   bsf rele1                   ;get the phoneline
                   call DLY_3SEG
;--------- started to dialer -------------------------------
main:          call telefone1              ;call the table     
                   movwf discagem      
inic1:           bsf rele2
DISC_1:     bcf rele1    
                    bcf led
                    decfsz discagem,1   
                    goto go_dialing
                    goto end_num
go_dialing: call MS_33
                    bsf rele1
                    bsf led
                    call MS_33
                    goto DISC_1       
end_num:   bcf rele2                    ;phoneline off
                    call MS_66
                    goto main