Hi Steven Any permanent magnet DC motor will act as a generator. .5 watt does that mean you need 5 volts at .1 amps if so then that would be a v ery small motor. -------------------------------------------- Brian Whittaker SVSKITS.COM Voice: 510-582-6602 FAX: 510-291-2218 SVS_KITS@MSN.COM URL: http://www.svskits.com > -----Original Message----- > on Friday, April 30, 1999 12:43 PM Steven Davidson wrote > I am looking for a small (.5 - 5W) generator I could use to power remote PIC > project using wind. I can find small motors, but no generators on the Web. > Or the use of small motors as a generator? Anyone with experience in these > areas?? Charging batteries with a small generator? > > Thanks. > > Steve > > sdavidson@its.bldrdoc.gov > -------------------------------------------------------- >