> On Saturday, April 24, 1999 8:01 PM, Gerhard Fiedler wrote: > I'm not sure whether PID control is actually the most adequate way to avoid > ringing and overshoot (the mechanical, spring-like part of it you > described). I would guess that limiting the change of the output, in some > smart way, might do the same thing, without feedback. Well I agree in theory! To change the velocity of a fixed mass by a fixed amou nt will take the same amount of energy every time you do it. So if you know the galvo's velocity and mass you can calculate how mu ch energy to apply to get it to move and stop where you want. If you drive the galvo with a fixed current source then energy is just a funct ion of time. If you know the acceleration profile of the galvo then: Velocity = time * Acceleration Position = time * Velocity OR Position = time squared * Acceleration If you know position then you do not need feedback The problem is knowing exactly the performance of your galvo. How fast does it accelerate. There are many factors. Here are some: The acceleration of a galvo is non linear. It depends on the relationship of t he rotating coil's magnetic field, to the fixed magnet's field. This relation ship varies as the galvo turns and the fields chan ge position. Galvos and mirrors being mechanical will vary slightly from unit to unit. On h ome made and inexpensive galvos there can be a relatively large difference between galvos Galvos and mirrors, especially home built ones, are not perfectly balanced. Gr avity will aid acceleration in one direction and oppose it in another, of course once you cross center the oppose and assist dire ctions swap Because the Galvo are at right angles to each other in order to produce the co rrect x-y movements one galvo will be effected more than the other. What this all means is that to do it right you must store a lot of information about the galvo's performance to improve on the basic PID algorithm. In experiments I performed several years ago I was able to increase the performance of a test galvo by about 15% over the basic PID filter. I used a table lookup approach and had about 4k e ntries in the table. The tables output went through an algorithm that looked at the next two positions as well as the current positi on. The problem was the system had to be tuned for each galvo. Change the galvo with another unit of the same make and model and pe rformance went to 90% of the PID value. That problem could have been fixed but I stopped the research when I realized that the spring was the source of most of the problems. Removing the spring gave a 200% increase in performance. However without the spring, feed back became necessary to keep the galvo from slamming into the stops whenever the smallest amount of current was applied. > > actually it is the differential part that is responsible for smooth stops, > and the integral part often is responsible for oscillations :) it's > function is to compensate the position error inherent in a proportional (or > a pd) regulator. oops! You are correct. My apologies, I should have spent more time proofing befo re I hit the send button. btw laser galvo's usually do not use the Integral term because they hardly ever stop moving. > >The first differential component allows the servo amp to see into the future. > that's not quite true... control would be easier if we actually had a device t hat could do this :) I apologize to any list readers who thought I was trying to say that it was poss ible to see into the future . . No body can do that with the possible exception of Bill Gates. . I Only meant that the effect was li ke being able to see into the future.