Ravi Pailoor wrote: > > Nice blackmail :-) Seriously - it isn't. I think I have discovered the root of the problem. Our SA factory rep did in fact fight the price fight, but with the wrong people. I seems like Mchip has very rigid channels for their employees to report and work withing, and the best ear that we could get, was the marketing departement. It is like barking up the wrong forest. We are not talking about the margins of the distributors, but the margins of Mchip. These people are non-tecnical bean counters who live in a numbers (dollars) world, quite removed from the real world. I don't even think the Mchip PIClister(s) reported the issue much higher than themselves. What we need, is for someone to gently break the news to Steve Sanghi himself. If he is a real businessman, he will appreciate some feedback *BEFORE* we start voting with our dollars *AND* then take immediate steps to remedy the crazy pricing policy. If Steve Sanghi himself says "I won't match ATMEL's prices", then the matter is closed and the direction is clear. If, on the other hand, he recognises the danger of losing market share, the direction is also clear. Maybe I should email him the link to my 'subscribe' page ;) > > Pailoor > > Tjaart van der Walt wrote: > > > Ed Edmondson wrote: > > > > > > > > CC: steve.sanghi@microchip.com, George.Rigg@microchip.com > > > > > > > Thanks! I was wondering where I'd get Steve Sanghi's email address. > > If I don't get a good answer on the pricing issue by tomorrow, I > > am going to email him directly. -- Friendly Regards /"\ \ / Tjaart van der Walt X ASCII RIBBON CAMPAIGN mailto:tjaart@wasp.co.za / \ AGAINST HTML MAIL |--------------------------------------------------| | WASP International | |R&D Engineer : GSM peripheral services development| |--------------------------------------------------| | Mobile : tjaart@sms.wasp.co.za (160 text chars) | | http://www.wasp.co.za/~tjaart/index.html | |Voice: +27-(0)11-622-8686 Fax: +27-(0)11-622-8973| | WGS-84 : 26¡10.52'S 28¡06.19'E | |--------------------------------------------------|