Hi all, Just a follow-up on the free tait to TM4 hex file I emailed out to piclisters who requested it. The code in the chip has a feedback loop and will hang until a Watchdog timeout if you try any operation and do not have a 7407 fitted. A 7405 or 7406 will NOT work not even for "dummy" operations. A missing 7407 buffer chip will also not do. You must have a 7407 fitted for the code to work! Also please note that I have posted a new version of the old TM4 software that does not hang at the end of a read/verify (16Cxx parts only) as the pervious version appeared to with this firmware. If you have tried to use the windows software WinTM4 then please note that you must install the VB4 runtime library (there is a link on the download page) if you received any sort of install error. The free HEX file is TM4 compatible and not TM4x2 or PM4 so please have the right option selected. Otherwise the code does work and some (most?) of you managed to get it running. I suggest for the rest that they have another go to by pass set-up problems. The code does work and work well! Watch out for news on the PCBs for this and the MPLAB compatible "Tait chips." They arrived Yesterday and I will have more news soon. Regards Jim ________________________________________ Email: newfound@pipeline.com.au http://www.pipeline.com.au/users/newfound WARP-3 SALE now on. $48USD with world delivery. MPLAB compatible PIC programmers and firmware upgrades for many programmers. ________________________________________