Max, I am presently playing around with the HSP45102 also. I can make it work fine with my PC. I'm using a F84 now and trying to get it to work using the PIC. Actually I got frustrated and ordered the Analog Devices AD9835 and AD9832. Those chips have built in 10-bit DAC's. Those chips require 8-bit x 4 loading to get the 32-bits. My 45102 has an input buffer on it (74HC245). The outputs are going to a Harris high speed video D/A (CA3338A), losing the lower 4-bits of the word. It works perfectly all the way up to 10 MHz sine wave via the PC. The ENPHAC just turns the DDS on/off The TXFR line changes state when the 32-bit or 64-bit word is loaded. The LOAD pin 18 just needs to be connected high to +5v. (not floating) I had trouble with the bit banging on the PIC, the PC works fine. The sequence of events are located on page 5-50, figure 3 I/O timing. I would appreciate any info you might have on getting it to work with the PIC David -----Original Message----- From: Max Prager To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Date: Wednesday, April 21, 1999 5:28 PM Subject: HSP45102 Question > Hi everyone, > > I have been playing around with the Harris HSP45102 > DDS chip and I am > having a little trouble using it. I am assuming the > serial data is being > tranfered from the PIC to the DDS OK because of the > fact that when the > data is being transmitted, the DDS outputs 'stuff' > (not even close to a sine wave but is is doing something) and when > nothing is being > transfered it outputs nothing. I do not fully > understand the way the > registers work in the DDS and cannot find any info on it other than the > > data sheet which doent tell the sequence of events to give me an > output. I know that the ENPHAC, TXFR and LOAD pins > play a big part of the operation but are unsure on how to use them in a > > proceedure to give me an sine output. > When I keep them all low it has the above affect and > when I play around > with them in my PIC program it usually outputs > nothing. Does anyone know > the steps to take to give a sine output on the > HSP45102. > Any help will be greatly appreciated > > Max >