Knowing that this is a piclist, i excuse for the tainting of
it with a motorola quiz, but i guess basically it is the same it is just the
compiler and the adresses that differ.
I have succesfully managed a Mototola 6805 to recieve a char
via rs232, and send it on, but what i havent managed to do is to make it keep
filling up the RAM or ACC with chars.
i now have defined char storage as
$10 ; RAM variabels
charIN DS
1 ; The Result is stored in
charOUT DS 1
; Temporary storage for the sendbyte
Thus far i have gotten it to store the char in $10, i wanna
make it count up when the stop bit have arrived so that
The next char can be stored in for ex $11, if i solve this the
viceversa is solved, i can get it to send strings of text.
i guess i have to make the sendstring stop somewhere that
could be a predefined char that the text ends with like "0".
I dont know and i havent tried if you could simply "INC
,charIN" i will try this, but please be so kind as to give me some of your
advice on the matter.
Am i attacking my problem the wrong way?
Please advice