Ciao amici, scusatemi, ma senza volerlo vi ho inviato un virus. Si tratta di un virus innocuo, la cui caratteristica di installarsi sul PC e ogni volta che si invia una E-MAIL, il virus riproduce se stesso e si invia all'indirizzo a cui stata spedita la E-MAIL. Il virus risiede nel file happy99.exe. Non mandatelo in esecuzione e distruggetelo. Se lo distruggete il virus seppur scaricato nella Vostra macchina, non la infetta. Di seguito sono riportate le istruzioni, per rimuovere il virus. E scusatemi ancora. Leonardo De Palo If You have the Happy99 virus on your machine. Here are the instructions for removing it. Sorry they are in English. If you have recently run a program that displays fireworks in a small window that says "Happy New Year 1999", most likely your computer has this worm. ------------ INSTRUCTIONS ------------ 1. Print out these instructions. 2. Click Start | Shut Down | "Restart Computer in MS-DOS mode" 3. At the DOS prompt, type the commands below that are in CAPS exactly, and press enter at the end of each line: 4. CD \WINDOWS\SYSTEM 5. DEL SKA.EXE (Note: If you get a File Not Found error, either you are not infected or this file is located somewhere else on your computer.) 6. DEL SKA.DLL 7. COPY WSOCK32.SKA WSOCK32.DLL 8. Answer "Yes" if it asks if you want to overwrite WSOCK32.DLL. Explanation: WSOCK32.SKA is a backup of the original WSOCK32.DLL made by the virus. You are replacing the modified DLL with the original. 9. Return to Windows by typing EXIT If upon rebooting, Windows displays an error message that it cannot find SKA.exe, continue with the steps below. Note: Using the Registry Editor incorrectly can lead to serious problems in Microsoft Windows and Windows applications. Erols/RCN Internet assumes no responsibility for mistakes or errors that result of incorrectly using the Registry Editor. 1. Click Start | Run, then type regedit and click OK. 2. Click at the + to the left of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE 3. Click at the + to the left of Software 4. Click at the + to the left of Microsoft 5. Click at the + to the left of Windows 6. Click at the + to the left of CurrentVersion. 7. Look under the following folders: Run, RunOnce, RunOnceEx, RunServices, RunServicesOnce. Check for SKA.EXE and select it if it is there. Hit the Delete key. 8. Close Regedit. There is a file that keeps track of anyone you may have inadvertently sent that file to. It is called: LISTE.SKA and you can find it under C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\LISTE.SKA