Hi all, I just thought I announce that the PicNPro programmer and Real World Port Interface is now available as a kit and comes complete with the PicNPoke beginners software. I've provided a 16C74-JW chip to allow easy upgrades or you can use it for other experiments. You can do this because PicNPro can reverse itself and use a 16F84 to program the 16C74 if you need to. You can even program the 16F84 without the 16C74. Also included is MiniPro, which is an In Circuit Programmable experimenters project based on the 16F84, and plugs into a solderless breadboard. (Get that 1st LED flash circuit built and running in 2 minutes.) MiniPro also has a pot on board that interfaces to the PicNPoke simulator to play around with A2D concepts. Two small additional PCBs allow 16C5X 12 bit programming. Another mini PCB provides an easy connection to a solderless bread board so that both the PicNPoke and PicNPlay simulators have access to real electronics to experiment with. All these boards connect via a simple interchangeable IDC connector. Plus, you get the source code for the programmer, and mail orders get a free 16F84 thrown in. -- Best regards Tony PicNPoke - Multimedia 16F84 Beginners PIC Tools. http://www.picnpoke.com Email picnpoke@cdi.com.au