Hi, I've been hearing about how interpreters may be the solution to my design/prototyping requirements... Where do you get them from? If I can get an interpreter which will allow me to use serial EEPROM then I'm set. What is the best (easy-ish language, I/O, Basic Maths) interpreter to get, and where from? Cost? The other questions are probably fairly simple, but I need to ask...... I wish to be able to read in a 12bit ADC value...... And then use that value in maths (add, subraction , and multiplication) and for table value comparison. How is this accomplished in a processor such as the PIC16F84 which is only 8 bit.... Looking at the spec sheet I see that it deals with 8 bits of data, and allows the remaining6 bits (of the 14 bit word) to be for the opcode. how do I accomplish my goal? Many thanks, And please be patient with my possibly "silly Questions", But I f I don't ask... I'll probably go mad trying to figure it out. Thanks, Des