Hi! I remember someone saying they used 122x32 graphic displays. I bought one, a DataVision 12232-01 S1RB. I have the dataSheets, but I still have some doubts: - Which is pin 1? I have the display glass down, contacts up. Pin 1 is on the left, or on the right? - What are the minimal signals I need? I know I need D8~D0, A0 and /WR. Do I also need to drive CL (Clock)? I'll avoid reads. I need the pin. - And finally, is there a "magical" way to reduce the amount of pins I need to interface, without adding extra chips? 8) Thank you, Nuno. -- ---- ~~~~~~~ ------- Nuno Filipe Freitas Pedrosa -- ~~~~ ~~ ----- SIEMENS S.A. Portugal TEL: +351 1 4242454 - ~~~~ ~~ ---- mailto:Nuno.Pedrosa@icn.siemens.de - ~~~~ ~~ ---- "MSWindows - Best run on a SlideShow" =======================================================================